The World's Best Etext Library
20,000+ Books, 3,300+ Authors on two DVDs
$79.00 + shipping
These books come on DVD (cd format by request only) and are formatted in plain ASCII 7 bit text with no pictures to save space. As plain ASCII text they can be used in all commercial text-to-speech programs such as Dragon or the AT&T text to speech programs.
See sample etext page
Includes the following:
5,000+ children's books, including the 3,800 in the Children's DVD
500 books that boys traditionally have enjoyed reading
1,000 royalty free plays: Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw, Eugene O'Neill, etc.
3,000 political, legal and historical books and documents starting with the Code of Hammurabi to the 911 report and hearings
3,000 books of poetry from the classical poets to Kipling
2,000 religious books covering all the major and most of the minor religious movements of the world
All the major and minor Greek and Roman authors
Most of the important European, Asian, and middle eastern authors up to 1923
All of the Harvard Classics
Most of the Great Books collections, some in multiple translations
73 of Martin Seymour-Smith's 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written, Secaucus, NJ: Citadel Press, 1998.
These include: I Ching; Old Testament; The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer; The Upanishads; The Way and its Power by Lao tzu, The Avesta; Works, Hippocrates; Analects, Confucius; History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides; Works, Aristotle; History, Herodotus; The Republic, Plato; The Dhammapada; Aeneid, Virgil; On the Nature of Things, Lucretius; Allegorical Expositions of the Holy Laws, Philo of Alexandria; The New Testament; Lives, Plutarch; Annals, from the Death of Divine Augustus, Cornelius Tacitus; The Gospel of Truth; Meditations, Marcus Aurelius; Enneads, Plotinus; Confessions, Autustine of Hippo; The Koran; Guide for the Perplexed, Moses Mainmonides; The Kabbalah; Summa Theologicae, Thomas Aquinas; The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri; In Praise of Folly, Erasmus; The Prince, Machiavelli; On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Martin Luther; Leviathan, Hobbs; Don Quixote, Cervantes; Common Sense, Paine; Critique of Pure Reason, Kant; On Liberty, Mill; First Principles, Spencer; A Treatise of Human Nature, Hume; Pilgrims Progress, Bunyon; Reflections on the Revolution in France, Burke; Treatise on Electricity and Magnatism, Maxwell; Vindication of the Rights of Women, Mary Wollstoncraft; War and Peace, Tolstoy; On War, Clausewitz; Pragmatism, William James; Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, Darwin; Civil Disobediance, Henry David Thoreau, Confessions, Rousseau; Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gibbons; works by Locke, Hegal, Malthus, Adam Smith, Voltaire, Comte, Pascal, Spinoza, Leibniz, Descarte, Shakespeare, Marx & Engels, Bacon, Freud, Nietzsche, Einstein, Godwin, Calvin, Schopenhauer, Berkeley, Rabelais, etc.